Learn more about Contemplative leadership from these books and engaging in a leadership journey from the inside, out.
Academic Research can be found here.
The Art of Retreats: A Leader’s Journey Toward Clarity, Balance and Purpose
by Fabrice Desmarescaux
An Invitation to Contemplative Leadership:
How to Lead Mindfully During Times of Crisis and Uncertainty
by Thulani DeMarsay, PhD
Crisis Contemplation: Healing the Wounded Village
by Barbara A. Holmes
Contemplation Nation: How Ancient Practices Are Changing the Way we Live
Papers from the State of Contemplative Practice in America.
Edited by Mirabai Bush
“Contemplative Leadership in Organizations”
by Janet Drey
Soul Food: Nourishing Essays on Contemplative Living and
edited by Westina Matthews, Margaret Benefiel, and Jackson Droney