On-line or in-person programs are available to inform and support the practice of contemplative leadership, as well as deepen personal transformation.
Lead from Stillness: An Introduction to Contemplative Leadership

Facilitated by Janet Drey
Lead from Stillness assists leaders to enlarge their capacity for awareness and focus while living with the unknowns of change. Using a combination of contemplative practices and leadership development tools, participants will explore the impact of self care, inattentional blindness, holding paradox, managing negative emotions, ego habits and staying grounded in one’s values and purpose. A small group learning community provides support for and confidentiality with learning and growth edges.
Lead from Stillness offers an important model of leadership to the Church and world. It invites us to lead from a place of depth and wholeness. This course is reminder of how good leadership and spirituality are intrinsically connected.
Dr. Brett M. Opalinski
Assistant Dean of Methodist Studies
Assistant Professor in the Practice of Spiritual Formation and Church Leadership
Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Enneagram Type Exploration Lab
Saturday, September 21, 2024 9 AM – Noon
Emmaus House, 3315 70th Street, Urbandale, IA
Curious about your Enneagram type? Confused about the results of the Enneagram assessment you’ve taken?
This type exploration “lab” will provide assistance in interpreting Enneagram test results and exploring type-related questions. We’ll use a step-by-step process and the Enneagram symbol to look at Enneagram type patterns and common misidentifications. We’ll give you tools for honing your self-observation and “experiments” to try in your real-life laboratory.
Join us for this opportunity to work with the Enneagram in a reflective, supportive—and playful!—environment
REGISTER HERE for this In-Person Workshop
Great leadership comes from people who have made that downward journey through violence and terror, who have touched the deep place where we are community with each other, and who can help take other people to that place. -Parker Palmer